Please complete the following questions. Use a word processor to complete your work. Remember to use complete sentences and include both the questions and answers when you submit your work.

What is the difference between rhythm and pitch?
Why is it important to learn how to use our voices?
Below is a treble clef with the lines: EGBDF. We learned that, to remember these lines, we can think of ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine.’ Can you think of a different phrase that we could use to remember the lines? Use each letter EGBDF
in order.

What is the difference between rhythm and pitch?

The difference between rhythm and pitch is that rhythm refers to the timing and pattern of music notes, while pitch refers to the highness or lowness of a sound.

Why is it important to learn how to use our voices?
It is important to learn how to use our voices because it allows us to effectively communicate, express emotions, and connect with others through singing, speaking, and other vocal activities.

E - Elvis Goes Bowling,
G - Giraffes Eat Bananas,
B - Birds Fly South,
D - Dogs Dig Holes,
F - Frogs Frolic in the Pond.