Paragraph 1: Write an intro paragraph that identifies the main characters in The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed retold by Elisa Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens by Diana C. Conway. Tell what life lessons or important values the younger brothers in the two stories help the readers to understand.

Paragraph 2: Explain how the qualities or values of the younger brothers in the stories are different from those of their older brothers. Use details from the stories to contrast the character traits and points of view of the younger brothers with those of their older brothers.

Paragraph 3: Explain what you think the authors want readers to learn from the younger brothers in the stories. Tell how the plot events and the authors’ use of language and literary devices support your ideas. End your paragraph with a sentence that restates the lesson or values that the characters in the stories convey to the readers.

In The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed retold by Elisa Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens by Diana C. Conway, the main characters are the younger brothers who exhibit qualities such as humility, kindness, and resilience. These younger siblings teach readers the importance of patience, compassion, and perseverance in the face of challenges. They serve as examples of how positivity and gratitude can lead to personal growth and happiness.

The younger brothers in the stories are contrasted with their older brothers in terms of their attitudes and actions. The older brothers tend to be selfish, arrogant, and impatient, while the younger brothers are selfless, humble, and determined. For example, in The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed, the older brother is greedy and disrespectful, whereas the younger brother is grateful and caring. Similarly, in Don’t Count Your Chickens, the older brother is reckless and impulsive, while the younger brother is cautious and thoughtful.

The authors want readers to learn from the younger brothers in the stories that qualities such as humility, kindness, and resilience are essential for personal growth and fulfillment. Through the plot events and the authors’ use of language and literary devices, the younger brothers are portrayed as role models who overcome adversity with grace and positivity. Ultimately, the lesson that the characters convey to the readers is that by embracing humility, kindness, and resilience, one can navigate life’s challenges more effectively and find true happiness.