Trapezoid IJKL is dilated by a scale factor of start fraction, 2, divided by, 3, end fraction


to form trapezoid I'J'K'L'. Side I'J' measures 44. What is the measure of side IJ?

To find the measure of side IJ, we first need to understand how the dilation affects the sides of the trapezoid.

When a figure is dilated by a scale factor of k, the lengths of the corresponding sides are multiplied by k. In this case, the trapezoid is dilated by a scale factor of 2/3. This means that the length of side I'J' is 2/3 times the length of side IJ.

Given that the length of side I'J' is 44, we can set up the following proportion to find the length of side IJ:

(2/3) * IJ = 44

Solving for IJ:

IJ = 44 * (3/2)
IJ = 66

Therefore, the measure of side IJ is 66.