Find the cube root of –125: 3√-125 .(1 point)

The cube root of -125 is -5.

What is the solution to y^3=x when x^3=512 ?(1 point)

To find the solution to y^3 = x when x^3 = 512, we first need to find the cube root of 512.

Cube root of 512 is 8, as 8 x 8 x 8 = 512.

Therefore, if x = 8, then y = 2, as 2^3 = 8.

So, the solution to y^3 = x when x^3 = 512 is y = 2.

are you sure

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response.

Let's correct that:

Given x^3 = 512, we need to find the cube root of 512 to get x.

The cube root of 512 is 8 because 8^3 = 512.

So, x = 8.

Now, we need to find the cube root of x to get y in the equation y^3 = x.

The cube root of 8 is 2 because 2^3 = 8.

Therefore, the solution to y^3 = x when x^3 = 512 is y = 2.

it says it's wrong

Let's reevaluate the problem.

Given that x^3 = 512, we need to find the cube root of 512 which is 8.

Now, we need to solve y^3 = 8.

The solution to this equation is y = 2, because 2^3 = 8.

Therefore, the solution to y^3 = x when x^3 = 512 is y = 2.