5 facts about how alcohol affects the eyes.

1. Alcohol can cause temporary blurry or double vision by affecting the muscles that control eye movement and focusing. This can make it difficult for individuals to see clearly or drive safely.

2. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to permanent damage to the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss and a condition called alcoholic neuropathy. This can cause blurry vision, blind spots, and difficulty seeing in low light conditions.

3. Alcohol can also cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to redness, irritation, and dry eyes. Chronic alcohol consumption can contribute to the development of conditions like dry eye syndrome.

4. Alcohol can impair the brain's ability to process visual information, leading to slower reaction times and impaired depth perception. This can increase the risk of accidents and injuries, particularly while driving or operating machinery.

5. Prolonged alcohol abuse can increase the risk of developing cataracts, a clouding of the lens in the eye that can lead to vision loss. Alcohol can also worsen existing eye conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration, potentially accelerating the progression of these diseases.