If the height is 5 mi, the length is 7 mi, and the width is 7.5, then what is the volume of the triangular pyramid

To calculate the volume of a triangular pyramid, you can use the formula:

Volume = (1/3) * base area * height

First, we need to calculate the base area of the triangular pyramid. To do this, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle:

Base area = (1/2) * base length * base width
Base area = (1/2) * 7 mi * 7.5 mi
Base area = 26.25 square miles

Now, we can plug in the values into the volume formula:

Volume = (1/3) * 26.25 square miles * 5 mi
Volume = 43.75 cubic miles

Therefore, the volume of the triangular pyramid is 43.75 cubic miles.