Elaborate on the external recruitment sources and methods

External recruitment sources and methods refer to the ways in which organizations attract and hire new employees from outside their existing workforce. These methods are used when an organization needs to fill a position with a candidate who is not currently employed by the company.

1. Online job boards: One of the most common methods of external recruitment is posting job openings on online job boards such as Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn. These platforms allow companies to reach a wide audience of job seekers and attract candidates with specific skills and experience.

2. Social media: In addition to job boards, organizations can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote job openings. This allows companies to reach a larger audience and connect with potential candidates who may not be actively searching for a new job.

3. Employee referrals: Many companies have employee referral programs in place, where current employees can refer qualified candidates for open positions. This method is often effective as employees are likely to recommend candidates who would be a good fit for the company culture.

4. Recruitment agencies: Organizations can also work with recruitment agencies to help them find qualified candidates for open positions. These agencies have extensive networks and resources to help them identify and attract top talent for their clients.

5. Networking events: Companies can attend networking events, job fairs, and industry conferences to connect with potential candidates and build relationships with individuals who may be interested in working for them.

6. College and university recruiting: Many organizations have partnerships with colleges and universities to recruit recent graduates and individuals with specific skills and qualifications. Companies can attend career fairs, host information sessions, and participate in internship programs to attract top talent from these institutions.

Overall, utilizing external recruitment sources and methods allows organizations to access a diverse pool of candidates with a range of skills and experiences, ultimately helping them find the best fit for their open positions.