Who are you comparing Gatsby to? While using this statement compare Gatsby to Daisy and Tom Buchanan. 5 - 7 sentences

Based on what we have learned about Gatsby and Daisy, it is unlikely that their future together will be a happy one. Despite Gatsby's love for Daisy and his efforts to win her back, the divide between their social classes and their differing views of the past will continue to pose significant challenges to their relationship. Daisy's tendency to prioritize wealth and social status over love suggests that she may ultimately choose to remain with Tom Buchanan, leaving Gatsby heartbroken once again. Additionally, Gatsby's idealized version of Daisy and his inability to accept the reality of who she has become may lead to further disappointment and disillusionment for both of them. Ultimately, the novel seems to suggest that their future together is doomed by the constraints of their society and their own flawed perceptions.

In contrast to Gatsby's hopeful and romantic view of love, Daisy and Tom Buchanan represent a more cynical and materialistic approach to relationships. Tom's infidelity and callous treatment of Daisy demonstrate his selfish and entitled nature, while Daisy's willingness to stay with him despite his flaws reveals her own superficial values. Gatsby, on the other hand, is willing to do whatever it takes to win back Daisy's love, even if it means manipulating the truth or engaging in illegal activities. Despite his noble intentions, Gatsby's inability to see Daisy for who she truly is ultimately leads to his downfall, highlighting the tragic consequences of clinging to illusions in a world driven by materialism and appearances.