At which time in the menstrual cycle is a woman most fertile? Explain your answer.

A woman is most fertile during ovulation, which typically occurs around the middle of her menstrual cycle. Ovulation is the process in which an egg is released from the ovaries and is available for fertilization by sperm. This typically happens around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle, but can vary depending on the length of a woman's cycle.

During ovulation, a woman's body releases hormones that make the environment in her reproductive tract most conducive to fertilization. The egg is only viable for fertilization for about 24 hours, but sperm can live in the reproductive tract for up to 5 days, so the most fertile window for conception is typically considered to be the day of ovulation and the days leading up to it.

Tracking ovulation can be helpful for couples who are trying to conceive, as it gives them the best chance of timing intercourse for when a woman is most fertile. There are various methods for tracking ovulation, such as tracking basal body temperature, monitoring cervical mucus changes, or using ovulation predictor kits.