Select and use an appropriate mode of representation (table / diagram / sentences) to compare

and contrast the functions of estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle.

Functions of Estrogen and Progesterone in the Menstrual Cycle

| Aspect | Estrogen | Progesterone |
| Source | Ovaries | Corpus luteum |
| Peak Levels | Around day 14 of the menstrual cycle | After ovulation |
| Effects on Uterus | Stimulates growth of endometrium | Maintains thickened endometrial lining |
| Effects on Cervical Mucus | Increases clarity and stretchability | Thickens and decreases clarity |
| Effects on LH | Stimulates surge of LH to trigger ovulation | Inhibits LH surge to prevent more ovulation |
| Effects on Basal Body Temperature | Increases temperature in ovulation phase | Holds temperature steady in luteal phase |
| Effects on Menstruation | Declining levels trigger menstrual bleeding | Maintains endometrium and prevents shedding |