. A baseball player throws a ball horizontally at 55.0 m/s. How far will the ball drop before

reaching first base 27.4 m away?
a. 1.22 m
b. 1.32 m
c. 1.42 m
d. 1.52 m

The time it takes for the ball to reach first base can be found using the equation x = vt, where x is the horizontal distance (27.4 m), v is the initial horizontal velocity (55.0 m/s), and t is the time.

27.4 = 55.0 * t
t = 27.4 / 55.0
t = 0.498 s

The vertical distance the ball drops during this time can be found using the equation y = (1/2)gt^2, where y is the vertical distance, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time.

y = (1/2)(9.81)(0.498)^2
y = 1.22 m

Therefore, the correct answer is a. 1.22 m.