Educational Attainment and Sex Total Employed
(in thousands)
Median Weekly
Earnings (in
Total, 25 years and over 58,324 1,026
Less than a high school diploma 4,761 607
High school graduates, no college 16,105 819
Some college or associate degree 14,721 951
Bachelor's degree and higher 22,738 1,524
Bachelor's degree only 14,451 1,384
Advanced degree 8,287 1,774
How much is the hourly median income for a male with a high school diploma but no college assuming a 40-hour work week?

To calculate the hourly median income for a male with a high school diploma but no college, we can divide the weekly median earnings by the number of hours worked in a week (40 hours).

Weekly median earnings for high school graduates, no college: $819
Hourly median income = $819 / 40 hours = $20.475

Therefore, the hourly median income for a male with a high school diploma but no college is approximately $20.48.