A store sells five models of cameras for $190.00, $420.00, $270.00, $300.00, and $420.00. If the sales tax rate is 6%, what are the mean, median, mode, and range of the total cost of the cameras?

(1 point)

mean =
median =
mode =
range =
mean = $318.00 median = $339.20 mode = $445.20 range = $21.20

mean =
median =
mode =
range =
mean = $339.20 median = $318.00 mode = $445.20 range = $243.80

mean =
median =
mode =
range =
mean = $339.20 median = $318.00 mode = $445.20 range = $21.20

mean =
median =
mode =
range =

mean = $339.20

median = $318.00
mode = $420.00
range = $230.00


Apologies for the error. Let's calculate the correct values:

First, let's calculate the total cost of the cameras:
$190.00 + $420.00 + $270.00 + $300.00 + $420.00 = $1600.00

Now, let's calculate the total cost including 6% sales tax:
Total cost with tax = $1600.00 + 0.06 * $1600.00 = $1696.00

Now, let's find the mean, median, mode, and range:

Mean = Total cost with tax / 5 = $339.20
Median = Middle value (when the values are arranged in ascending order) = $300.00
Mode = The most frequently occurring value = $420.00
Range = Highest value - Lowest value = $420.00 - $190.00 = $230.00

Therefore, the correct values are:
mean = $339.20
median = $300.00
mode = $420.00
range = $230.00

still wrong

I apologize for the mistake. Let's recalculate:

Ordering the camera prices from least to greatest: $190.00, $270.00, $300.00, $420.00, $420.00

Total cost without tax = $190.00 + $270.00 + $300.00 + $420.00 + $420.00 = $1600.00

Total cost with tax = $1600.00 + 0.06 * $1600.00 = $1696.00

Mean = Total cost with tax / 5 = $1696.00 / 5 = $339.20
Median = Middle value when prices are arranged in ascending order = $300.00
Mode = Most frequently occurring value = $420.00
Range = Highest value - Lowest value = $420.00 - $190.00 = $230.00

Therefore, the correct values are:
mean = $339.20
median = $300.00
mode = $420.00
range = $230.00