A graphic organizer has 4 boxes linked together horizontally. Box one says Battle of the Bulge. Box two says Increased Allied air attacks. Box three has a question mark. Box four says German surrender.

Use the chart to answer the question.
Which of the following best completes the sequence of events in the graphic organizer?
(1 point)

Munich Conference
Munich Conference

death of Hitler
death of Hitler

Japanese surrender
Japanese surrender

D-Day landings

D-Day landings

Which of the following presented a major challenge to U.S. military efforts in the Pacific?

(1 point)

lack of morale and willingness to fight among Americans
lack of morale and willingness to fight among Americans

Japanese superiority in population and economic power
Japanese superiority in population and economic power

support for Japan from the Philippines
support for Japan from the Philippines

the long distances between the United States and battle sites in the Pacific theater

Japanese superiority in population and economic power

Why did the Allies warn Japan in the Potsdam Declaration before using the atomic bomb?

(1 point)

The Allies were planning on using the atomic bomb on anyone who defied them.
The Allies were planning on using the atomic bomb on anyone who defied them.

The Allies wanted Japan to evacuate the civilians.
The Allies wanted Japan to evacuate the civilians.

The Allies only wanted to use the bomb as a last resort to end the war.
The Allies only wanted to use the bomb as a last resort to end the war.

The Allies were bragging about their superiority to the Japanese.

The Allies only wanted to use the bomb as a last resort to end the war.

Compare and contrast the rise and fall of Germany and Japan during the period of World War II. 10 sentences

During World War II, both Germany and Japan experienced periods of rise and fall. Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, rose to power through aggressive expansion and militarization in the 1930s, ultimately invading neighboring countries and triggering the war. Japan, similarly, sought to expand its empire through military conquest in Asia and the Pacific, leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Both nations faced early successes in the war, with Germany dominating Europe and Japan controlling much of Southeast Asia.

However, as the war progressed, both Germany and Japan began to face setbacks. Germany faced a turning point in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942-1943, where they suffered a major defeat against the Soviet Union, leading to a retreat on the Eastern Front. Meanwhile, Japan faced defeats in battles such as Midway and Guadalcanal, which weakened their hold on the Pacific.

The fall of Germany and Japan was marked by Allied offensives that gradually pushed back their forces. Germany surrendered in May 1945 after the fall of Berlin and the death of Hitler, while Japan surrendered in September 1945 after the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both nations faced immense devastation and loss of life during the war, leading to their eventual defeat and occupation by Allied forces.

In the aftermath of World War II, Germany and Japan were both occupied by Allied powers and underwent significant political, social, and economic transformations. Germany was divided into East and West Germany, with the eventual reunification in 1990, while Japan underwent a period of democratization and economic growth. Both nations grappled with the legacy of their wartime actions and sought to rebuild and move forward in a changed world.