Alex is tracking temperatures. Today the temperature was 0° Celsius, which is represented by the point (0, 0) . If the temperature yesterday was right in between today’s temperature and the temperature two days ago, what was the temperature yesterday?

(1 point)

The temperature two days ago is represented by the point (-2, x) where x is the temperature. Since the temperature yesterday was right in between today's temperature and the temperature two days ago, the temperature yesterday would be the average of the two temperatures.

Average = (0 + x) / 2
Average = x / 2

Since x is the temperature two days ago, x = -2°.

Therefore, the temperature yesterday would be the average of 0° and -2°:

Average = (0 + (-2)) / 2
Average = -2 / 2
Average = -1

So, the temperature yesterday was -1°C.