what is the purpose of a constitution? Answer in two short sentences (25 word limit). You will have a chance to explain in more detail later. Example sentence frame: The purpose of a constitution is ____.

The purpose of a constitution is to establish the framework of government and protect the rights of citizens. It serves as the supreme law of the land.

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The purpose of a constitution is to set up how the government works and make sure people's rights are protected. It's like the most important rules for the country.

What is one similarity between the structure of the US and the Florida Constitution? Why do you think Florida has that similarity in their Constitution? Example sentence frame: One similarity between the structure of the US and the Florida Constitution is _____. Florida created that similarity because_____.

One similarity between the structure of the US and the Florida Constitution is the division of powers into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. Florida created that similarity because it helps ensure a system of checks and balances and protects individual freedoms.

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One thing that is similar in the US and the Florida Constitution is that they both have three branches of government: the president, Congress, and the courts. Florida did this to make sure no one branch has too much power and to protect people's rights.