In 3 sentences, explain why enslaving the Indigenous peoples of the Americas was largely unsuccessful in filling the need of the plantations. Support your answer by using one piece of qualitative and one piece of quantitative information from Las Casas’s writing.

Enslaving Indigenous peoples of the Americas was largely unsuccessful in filling the need of the plantations because many of them fell ill and died due to diseases brought by European colonizers, as noted by Las Casas when he wrote that natives "succumbed too easily to illness and disease if they were forced to carry out hard and unfamiliar tasks." Furthermore, Indigenous peoples frequently resisted enslavement and ran away, with Las Casas describing how they would rather "be killed" than be enslaved and subjected to harsh labor conditions. Overall, the high mortality rates and resistance to enslavement among Indigenous populations made them less reliable and efficient sources of labor for the plantations, leading to the continued reliance on African slaves.