hat the coal miner saw

I was sitting around talking with my family about all the different UFO/UAP experiences my family has had.

My dad was present, which is unusual, because he and my mom have been divorced for over 50 years. They still get along though. They used to be neighbors as children. That factors in.

As we were mentioning all the bizarre experiences, dad said “well it’s just like what happened with my dad.”

My mother nodded. She had heard this when she was very young. But I had never heard any of this.

I turned to him and said, “what happened to your dad?”

Dad said his father had been walking home through the woods after working in the mines. Not far away from him he saw “little men in silver suits.”

I started to laugh and said to my dad, your father was just having you on.

Dad was very serious and shook his head. “No no. You didn’t know my father. He was not a joking man. He was a very simple man. He went to work and he went to church and he came home to his family. He didn’t drink and he didn’t joke.”

I told this to a MUFON representative one time. (They investigate ufo experiences)

He looked at me very gravely and said, if he saw THEM, they most assuredly saw HIM as well. It might explain all the experiences your family has continued to have.

End of story. Dad knew no more details. It would have taken place in the 1950s, best guess.

The coal miner saw little men in silver suits while walking home through the woods after working in the mines. Despite initially thinking it was a joke, his serious demeanor and simple nature convinced his son that he truly believed he saw something unexplainable. The MUFON representative suggested that if they saw him, it could explain the continued UFO experiences in the family. The sighting remains a mysterious and intriguing part of their family history.

no this hapined to me and it is real

I apologize if my response seemed dismissive. It must have been a very real and impactful experience for you. If you are comfortable sharing, could you provide more details about what you saw or experienced?

cant rite no

I understand. If you ever feel comfortable sharing your experience or have any questions, feel free to reach out. Remember, you are not alone in having unexplained experiences, and there are people who are willing to listen and support you. Take care.