Briefly explain the meaning of the operation mathematical functions listed below,

+,-,*,/or÷,^,y×,Sqrt or √,e×,LN,SIN,SIN-¹,COS,COS-¹,TAN,TAN-¹,(), Store (STO) Recall,On,=

- Addition (+): Combines two or more numbers to find the total value.

- Subtraction (-): Takes one number away from another to find the difference.
- Multiplication (*): Repeated addition of a number by a certain value.
- Division (/ or ÷): Splitting a number into equal parts.
- Exponent (^): Raising a number to a power.
- Y th Root (y√): Finding the yth root of a number.
- Exponential (e^x): Raising the mathematical constant e to the power of x.
- Natural Logarithm (LN): The logarithm to the base e.
- Trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TAN): Calculate the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle in a right-angled triangle.
- Inverse Trigonometric functions (SIN-¹, COS-¹, TAN-¹): Calculate the angle whose trigonometric function matches a given value.
- Parentheses (): Used to group numbers and operations to indicate the order of operations.
- Store (STO): Store a value in the memory of the calculator.
- Recall: Retrieve a stored value from the memory of the calculator.
- On: Turn the calculator on.
- Equals (=): Indicates the result of a mathematical operation.