Dragon drop rolling, Catholic Church Eastern orthodox church for boast.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Dragon drop rolling" in this context, but it seems like you are asking for a comparison between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in terms of boasting or pride.

Both the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church have rich traditions and histories, and each church believes it holds the fullness of the Christian faith. However, boasting or pride is generally not considered a positive trait in either tradition. Both churches teach humility and service to others as core values.

In terms of differences between the two, the Catholic Church is led by the Pope in Rome and has a centralized hierarchy, while the Eastern Orthodox Church is more decentralized, with each national church having its own leadership. The Catholic Church also puts more emphasis on the authority of the Pope and the doctrine of papal infallibility, while the Eastern Orthodox Church values conciliar decision-making and emphasizes the importance of the ecumenical councils.

Overall, both churches have much to offer in terms of spiritual wisdom and guidance, and it is important to approach comparisons between the two with humility and an open heart.