How does seismology provide structural information about the Earth? (4 points)

S-waves are able to send a mapping signal to the source

P-waves are able to send a mapping signal to the source.

S and P-waves travel from the source and the source monitors disruptions in their paths.

S and P-waves travel from the source and return to the source with logged disruptions in their paths.

- By analyzing the arrival times and behavior of seismic waves (P-waves and S-waves) as they travel through different layers of the Earth, seismologists can determine the internal structure of the Earth.

- The speed and direction of seismic waves can provide information about the density and composition of the materials they are passing through.
- Seismic waves can also reveal the presence of boundaries between different layers of the Earth, such as the crust, mantle, and core.
- By studying seismic activity from earthquakes and artificial sources, seismologists can create detailed images of the Earth's structure and use this information to better understand processes such as plate tectonics and earthquake mechanics.