Skateland charges a $50 flat fee for birthday party rental and $5.50 for each person. Joann has no more than $100 to spend on the birthday party.

Write an inequality that represents Joann's situation.

How many people can Joann invite to her birthday party without exceeding her limit?

Let's denote the number of people Joann can invite as x.

The total cost of the party, including the flat fee and the cost per person, is given by the formula: Total cost = $50 + $5.50x

Joann has no more than $100 to spend, so we can write the inequality:

$50 + $5.50x ≤ $100

Solving for x:
$5.50x ≤ $50
x ≤ 9.09

Since we cannot invite a fraction of a person, Joann can invite a maximum of 9 people to her birthday party without exceeding her limit.