Chris wants to order DVDs over the internet. Each dvd costs $15.99 and shipping for the entire order is $9.99. Chris has no more than $100 to spend

Write an inequality that represents Chris' situation.

How many DVDs can Chris order without exceeding his $100 limit?

Let x be the number of DVDs Chris can order.

The total cost of the DVDs and shipping can be represented by the equation 15.99x + 9.99.

Since Chris has no more than $100 to spend, we can set up the inequality:
15.99x + 9.99 ≤ 100

To find out how many DVDs Chris can order without exceeding his $100 limit, we solve for x:
15.99x + 9.99 ≤ 100
15.99x ≤ 90.01
x ≤ 5.63

Chris can order a maximum of 5 DVDs without exceeding his $100 limit.