The shape is 14 in. 13 in. 17 in. 8.5 in. 6.5 in.

Find the surface area of the two tiered steps

A. 1,171.5 in.²
B. 879 in.²
C. 2,320.5 in.²
D. 1,409.5 in.²

To find the surface area of the two tiered steps, you need to find the surface area of each step separately and then add them together.

Surface area of the top step:
Length = 14 in
Width = 13 in
Height = 17 - 8.5 = 8.5 in

Surface area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
Surface area = 2(14)(13) + 2(14)(8.5) + 2(13)(8.5)
Surface area = 364 + 238 + 221
Surface area = 823 in²

Surface area of the bottom step:
Length = 14 in
Width = 13 in
Height = 8.5 in

Surface area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh
Surface area = 2(14)(13) + 2(14)(8.5) + 2(13)(8.5)
Surface area = 364 + 238 + 221
Surface area = 823 in²

Total surface area = Surface area of top step + Surface area of bottom step
Total surface area = 823 + 823
Total surface area = 1,646 in²

Therefore, the correct answer is not provided in the options. The correct surface area of the two tiered steps is 1,646 in².