The author writes, “Spoken language, compared with the visual nuances of signing, might as well be caveman guttural grunts.” How does the video “Can You Read My Lips?” illustrate this claim? Cite specific details from the video to support your answer.

The video "Can You Read My Lips?" illustrates the claim that spoken language seems like caveman grunts compared to the visual nuances of signing through the challenges faced by lip readers. The video shows how difficult it is for lip readers to accurately understand what a person is saying just by looking at their lips.

For example, in the video, the speaker covers their mouth with their hands and asks the viewers to try and understand what they are saying. This demonstrates how crucial visual cues and nuances are in communication, which are lost in spoken language. Additionally, the video shows various examples of how easily lip readers can misinterpret words or phrases due to the limitations of lip reading.

Overall, the video highlights the complexities and subtleties of visual communication through signing, emphasizing how much more detailed and precise it is compared to spoken language.