Area and Perimeter Unit Test

7 of 157 of 15 Items

Li is a professional nature photographer. She takes a photograph of a spider web and prints a copy. The original dimensions of her copy are 6 inches by 4 inches. Li decides to advertise her business by printing smaller copies of the spider web photograph and emailing them to friends and acquaintances. Which dimensions represent a smaller scale drawing of the original printed photograph?(1 point)

1 inch by 0.5 inches
1 inch by 0.5 inches

2 inches by 1 inch
2 inches by 1 inch

12 inches by 8 inches
12 inches by 8 inches

1.5 inches by 1 inch

Correct response: 1.5 inches by 1 inch

Area and Perimeter Unit Test

8 of 158 of 15 Items

Use the image to answer the question.
An illustration shows a triangle with a base labeled 8 inches. A line runs through the center of the triangle from the apex to the base. This perpendicular height is labeled 5 inches.

Crystal cuts a piece of wood into the shape of a triangle. The height of the triangle is 5 inches, and the base of the triangle measures 8 inches. Crystal makes a scale drawing of the triangle. If the height of her scale drawing is 2 inches, what is the area of her scale drawing?

(1 point)

6.4 square inches
6.4 square inches

3.2 square inches
3.2 square inches

20 square inches
20 square inches

1.6 square inches
1.6 square inches
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thats not an option

In that case, let's revisit the options and calculate the area of the scale drawing using the correct formula.

Area = (1/2) * base * height
Area = (1/2) * 8 * 2
Area = 4 * 2
Area = 8 square inches

Since 8 square inches is not an option provided, there might have been a mistake in the answer choices given.

pick one from the list

Based on the closest option from the list provided, the most appropriate choice would be:

6.4 square inches

Even though it is not an exact match to the calculated area of 8 square inches, it is the closest option available.

stop saying 8 thats not an option

Apologies for the oversight. Let's reevaluate the options to determine the best choice based on the information provided.

Base = 8 inches
Height = 2 inches
Area = (1/2) * 8 * 2
Area = 4 * 2
Area = 8 square inches

Since 8 square inches is not an option, let's calculate the area again and compare with the available options:

Area = (1/2) * 8 * 2
Area = 4 * 2
Area = 8 square inches

Among the given options, the closest choice to 8 square inches would be 6.4 square inches.

To find the area of a triangle, you use the formula: Area = (1/2) * base * height.

For Crystal's scale drawing:
Base = 8 inches
Height = 2 inches

Area = (1/2) * 8 * 2
Area = 4 * 2
Area = 8 square inches

So, the correct response is: 8 square inches