How are the listed rights different in Massachusetts than in the U.S. Constitution? (1 point) Responses Massachusetts’ Declaration of Rights does not allow people to change their government. Massachusetts’ Declaration of Rights does not allow people to change their government. Massachusetts’ Declaration of Rights comes before the Preamble. Massachusetts’ Declaration of Rights comes before the Preamble. The U.S. Bill of Rights does not mention a right to privacy. The U.S. Bill of Rights does not mention a right to privacy. The U.S. Bill of Rights is not limited.

The listed rights are not different in Massachusetts than in the U.S. Constitution. Both documents contain similar rights and principles, with the U.S. Constitution serving as the overarching legal framework for the entire country, while the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights applies specifically to the state of Massachusetts. Both documents protect fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, as well as the right to due process and equal protection under the law.