Compare and contrast a fossil and a trilobite.(1 point)


Both fossils and trilobites are relativity new, both being around 1,000 years old. However, trilobites are only found on the bottom of the ocean, whereas fossils are found only on land.
Both fossils and trilobites are relativity new, both being around 1,000 years old. However, trilobites are only found on the bottom of the ocean, whereas fossils are found only on land.

Both fossils and trilobites are extremely old. However, a fossil was a creature that was living on Earth at some point that over time turned into a trilobite, meaning a fossil is one type of many different types of creatures found in trilobites.
Both fossils and trilobites are extremely old. However, a fossil was a creature that was living on Earth at some point that over time turned into a trilobite, meaning a fossil is one type of many different types of creatures found in trilobites.

Both fossils and trilobites are relativity new, both being around 1,000 years old. However, fossils are only found underwater, whereas trilobites are found all over the globe.
Both fossils and trilobites are relativity new, both being around 1,000 years old. However, fossils are only found underwater, whereas trilobites are found all over the globe.

Both fossils and trilobites are extremely old. However, a trilobite was a creature that was living on Earth at some point that over time turned into a fossil, meaning a trilobite is one type of many different types of creatures found in fossils.

A fossil is the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms, while a trilobite is a specific type of extinct marine arthropod that existed during the Paleozoic era. Trilobites have a distinct segmented body with a hard exoskeleton, while fossils can range from plants and animals to shells and bones. Fossils can be found in various locations on land and underwater, while trilobites are typically found in sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor. Both fossils and trilobites provide valuable information about the Earth's history and evolution, but they represent different aspects of the ancient world.