Imagine that you are a travel agent and want to promote the southern states of México.

Create a travel brochure highlighting the southern states of México: Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, and Tabasco. Include photos or drawings to support your information.
Remember to include an opinion in your portfolio.
Your brochure should include one paragraph describing each state, and it should include the following information:
• description of climate and geography of each state
• places of interest and activities
• cultural and natural highlights of each state
• advice and tips for the visitor
• use of imperative usted or ustedes form
• use of por
Your Mexican brochure is a portfolio item. When you are finished, please submit your answers to your teacher using the Drop Box below.
Select the link to access the Usando por Portfolio Rubric.C

¡Descubre el encanto del sur de México!

Oaxaca is known for its diverse landscapes, from the majestic Sierra Madre mountain range to the beautiful beaches along the Pacific coast. The climate is typically warm and tropical, making it a perfect destination all year round. Visit the charming town of Oaxaca City to explore its colonial architecture and vibrant markets, or head to Monte Albán to discover ancient ruins. Don't miss out on trying the delicious local cuisine, especially the famous mole dishes. ¡Disfrute de la hospitalidad oaxaqueña!

Guerrero offers a mix of coastal beauty and lush greenery. Enjoy the warm climate as you relax on the stunning beaches of Acapulco or Zihuatanejo. For adventure seekers, explore the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains for hiking and wildlife spotting. Discover the rich indigenous culture at the Archaeological Zone of Xihuacan or take a boat tour through the caves of Grutas de Cacahuamilpa. ¡Explore la belleza natural de Guerrero!

Chiapas is a hidden gem with its diverse landscapes ranging from pristine forests to stunning waterfalls. The climate is tropical, with a rainy season from May to October. Visit the breathtaking Sumidero Canyon for a boat tour, or explore the ancient ruins of Palenque and Yaxchilán. Don't miss out on experiencing the vibrant indigenous culture in the lively markets of San Cristóbal de las Casas. ¡Descubre la magia de Chiapas!

Tabasco is known for its lush rainforests and vibrant cultural heritage. The climate is hot and humid, perfect for exploring the stunning natural beauty of the region. Visit the ancient Mayan ruins of Comalcalco or relax in the soothing waters of the Agua Blanca Waterfall. Don't forget to try the delicious local cuisine, especially the famous tabasqueño peppers. ¡Disfrute de la biodiversidad de Tabasco!

Por favor, siga nuestras recomendaciones y consejos durante su viaje al sur de México. Recuerde respetar la cultura local y el medio ambiente, y siempre llevar protector solar y repelente de insectos. ¡Que disfrute al máximo su aventura en el bello sur de México!