4. Which ONE source MOST effectively argues FOR genetically engineered crops? Use at least TWO details from the appropriate text to support your response. Write your answer in the space provided. Remember to clearly reference the text

The source that most effectively argues for genetically engineered crops is "The Case for Genetically Engineered Crops" by Val Giddings. In the text, Giddings provides compelling evidence in support of genetically engineered crops.

One detail from the text is when Giddings explains that genetically engineered crops have been approved by regulatory agencies around the world after rigorous testing for safety and environmental impact. This demonstrates that genetically engineered crops have undergone thorough scrutiny and are considered safe for consumption and cultivation.

Another detail is the mention of the benefits of genetically engineered crops, such as increased crop yields, improved nutritional content, and reduced need for chemical pesticides. This highlights the potential advantages of genetically engineered crops in addressing food security and sustainability challenges.

Overall, Giddings effectively argues for genetically engineered crops by presenting evidence of their safety and benefits, making a strong case for their adoption in agriculture.