Tammy runs each lap in 8 minutes. She will run less than9 laps today. What are the possible numbers of minutes she will run today?

Use for the number of minutes she will run today.
Write your answer as an inequality solved for .

Let x be the number of laps Tammy will run today.

Since Tammy runs each lap in 8 minutes, the total number of minutes she will run today can be calculated as:

Total minutes = 8x

Given that she will run less than 9 laps, we have the inequality:

x < 9

Therefore, the possible numbers of minutes she will run today can be expressed by the inequality:

8x < 9

Divide both sides by 8:

x < 9/8

Thus, the possible numbers of minutes Tammy will run today are any number less than 1 hour and 8 minutes.