Research and outline in detail at least two secret operations preformed by CIA between 1950-2000 Asia and be Global Drug Trade

Operation CHAOS (1967-1973):

- Operation CHAOS was a covert CIA program aimed at monitoring and infiltrating various anti-Vietnam War and civil rights groups in the United States. The operation was initiated during the height of the Cold War to gather intelligence on potential threats to the government and disrupt any subversive activities.
- The CIA recruited agents to infiltrate organizations such as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Black Panther Party, as well as monitoring university campuses and anti-war demonstrations. The agency collected information on key individuals and gathered intelligence on their activities and connections.
- Operation CHAOS involved extensive surveillance, wiretapping, and infiltration of targeted groups. The CIA also collaborated with other government agencies such as the FBI and local law enforcement to share intelligence and coordinate operations.
- The operation faced criticism for its violation of civil liberties and the use of illegal means to gather information. It was eventually exposed to the public, leading to congressional investigations and debates over the agency's domestic surveillance activities.

Operation Golden Triangle (1965-1985):
- Operation Golden Triangle was a clandestine CIA operation in Southeast Asia aimed at disrupting and controlling the illicit drug trade in the region. The operation was part of the larger efforts to combat the spread of communism during the Cold War, as drug trafficking was seen as a source of funding for communist insurgents in countries like Laos, Burma, and Thailand.
- The CIA partnered with local government officials and military forces in the region to target drug producers, traffickers, and distributors. The agency provided training, equipment, and intelligence support to these allies to conduct operations against drug smuggling networks.
- The operation involved aerial surveillance, interdiction missions, and the recruitment of local informants to gather intelligence on drug trafficking activities. The CIA also established secret bases and networks in the region to facilitate its anti-drug efforts.
- Operation Golden Triangle had some successes in disrupting the drug trade in Southeast Asia, but it also faced criticism for inadvertently supporting corrupt governments and human rights abuses. The operation was eventually phased out in the mid-1980s as the focus shifted to other priorities in the region.