1. An illustration shows a rectangular prism. The top, front, and right faces are visible. The edges that are not visible are indicated by a dashed line. The bottom front edge measures 12 inches. The bottom right edge measures 5 inches. A vertical edge measures 3 inches. Find the volume of the right rectangular prism. __ in.^3

2. The area of the base of a right rectangular prism is 18 square inches and the height is 10 inches. What is the volume? __ cubic inches
3. Using the formula V = B × h, what is the volume of a rectangular prism with a width of 3 1/4 in., a length of 5 1/8 in., and a height of 7 3/8 in.? Your answer should be a mixed number in simplest form. __ in.3
4. Using the formula V = B × h, what is the volume of a rectangular prism with a width of 10 2/5 in., a length of 8 1/2 in., and a height of 6 1/4 in.? Your answer should be a mixed number in simplest form. __ in.3
5. Using the formula V = B × h, what is the volume of a rectangular prism with a width of 1 3/4 in., a length of 4 1/8 in., and a height of 3 2/3 in.? Your answer should be a mixed number in simplest form. __ in.3

1. Volume = 12 in. x 5 in. x 3 in. = 180 in.^3

2. Volume = 18 sq. in. x 10 in. = 180 cubic inches
3. Volume = 3 1/4 in. x 5 1/8 in. x 7 3/8 in. = 3 x 5 x 7 = 105 in.^3
4. Volume = 10 2/5 in. x 8 1/2 in. x 6 1/4 in. = 52 x 17 x 25 = 22100 in.^3
5. Volume = 1 3/4 in. x 4 1/8 in. x 3 2/3 in. = 7 x 33 x 11 = 2541 in.^3