Louisa ran through the back door of the coffee shop where she worked. Every Saturday. She shoved her purse in her locker and tied her apron around her waist. I hate being late. She muttered her face was red from the brisk 10 minute walk from her house to work.

As she quickly made her way behind the counter, she saw the long line of customers waiting for their morning coffee fix. Louisa took a deep breath and put on her best smile, ready to tackle the busy rush.

"Good morning everyone, sorry for the wait! How can I help you today?" she called out cheerfully, taking orders and swiftly preparing each drink with precision.

Despite the chaotic start to her day, Louisa found her rhythm and managed to keep up with the steady flow of customers. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as she handed out the last drink, knowing she had successfully navigated the morning rush.

As the rush died down, Louisa took a moment to catch her breath and reflect on the hectic start to her day. She knew that being punctual was important, but she also realized that she had the ability to handle any challenge that came her way.

With a renewed sense of confidence, Louisa prepared for the rest of her shift with a newfound determination. She may have been late, but she was determined to make the most of the day ahead.