Make a story in a apartment building, smoking a fat blunt after a stressful day and staying in the same room for the rest of the day while tweaking and seeing stuff that isn’t real

It had been a long and stressful day for Alex. After dealing with demanding clients at work and getting stuck in traffic on the way home, all he wanted to do was unwind and relax. As he entered his apartment building, he could already smell the familiar scent of marijuana lingering in the air.

Once inside his apartment, Alex wasted no time in rolling a fat blunt and lighting it up. The smoke filled the room, creating a hazy atmosphere that helped him forget about his troubles. He took a long drag, feeling the stress melt away with each exhale.

But as the high set in, Alex started to feel a bit uneasy. Suddenly, the walls seemed to be closing in on him and the room felt like it was shrinking. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it only grew stronger.

As he sat on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen, Alex started to see things that weren't there. Shadows danced in the corners of the room, whispering voices echoed in his ears, and strange figures seemed to materialize out of thin air. He tried to convince himself that it was just the weed playing tricks on his mind, but the hallucinations only intensified.

Unable to shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his chest, Alex remained in the same spot for the rest of the day, too paralyzed by fear to move. The hours passed in a blur as he drifted in and out of reality, unsure of what was real and what was just a figment of his drug-induced imagination.

When the sun finally started to set, casting long shadows across the room, Alex finally mustered the courage to get up and turn on the lights. As the harsh brightness flooded the room, the hallucinations slowly dissipated, leaving him feeling drained and disoriented.

With a heavy heart, Alex realized that maybe smoking that blunt wasn't the best idea after all. As he crawled into bed, vowing to never touch drugs again, he couldn't help but wonder if the events of the day were a warning sign of something deeper brewing within him. But for now, all he could do was close his eyes and hope for a peaceful night's sleep.