What to do if I have chaetophobia and trichophobia (fear of hair)

1. Seek therapy: It is important to seek help from a mental health professional who can help you address and overcome your phobias. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to be effective in treating phobias.

2. Educate yourself: Understanding the root of your phobias and learning about them can help you better manage your fear. This can also help you work through any irrational thoughts or beliefs you may have about hair.

3. Gradual exposure: Gradually exposing yourself to the source of your fear in a controlled and safe environment can help desensitize you to it over time. Start small and slowly work your way up to more challenging situations.

4. Practice relaxation techniques: Learning how to relax and calm yourself can help you manage your fear when it arises. Deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation are all techniques that can help reduce anxiety.

5. Support system: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can help encourage and motivate you as you work through your phobias. Talking about your fears and expressing your emotions can also be helpful.

6. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage the symptoms of anxiety that can accompany phobias. Talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of medication for your specific situation.