a cubic foot of water is abt 7.48 gallons. how many gallons of water would be needed to fill the rectangular pool that is 5 feet by 28 feet by 8 feet to 91% capacity?

First, calculate the volume of the pool:

Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 5 ft x 28 ft x 8 ft
Volume = 1120 cubic feet

To fill the pool to 91% capacity:
91% of 1120 cubic feet = 0.91 x 1120 = 1019.2 cubic feet

Now, calculate the number of gallons needed to fill the pool to 91% capacity:
1019.2 cubic feet x 7.48 gallons = 7613.216 gallons

Therefore, approximately 7613.216 gallons of water would be needed to fill the rectangular pool to 91% capacity.

a cubic foot of water is abt 7.48 gallons. how many gallons of water would be needed to fill the rectangular pool that is 5 feet by 28 feet by 8 feet to 91% capacity? (round to the nearest tenths place)

Using the same calculations as before:

Volume of the pool = 5 ft x 28 ft x 8 ft = 1120 cubic feet

91% of 1120 cubic feet = 0.91 x 1120 = 1019.2 cubic feet

Number of gallons needed = 1019.2 cubic feet x 7.48 gallons = 7613.216 gallons

Rounded to the nearest tenth, approximately 7613.2 gallons of water would be needed to fill the rectangular pool to 91% capacity.