write 2-3 questions that you would like answered about the holocaust

and answer the questions


1. How did the international community respond to the Holocaust as it was happening?

Answer: The international community was slow to react to the Holocaust, with many countries choosing to turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed by the Nazis. Some countries, such as the United States, did eventually take steps to help victims of the Holocaust, but many Jewish refugees were turned away at borders due to strict immigration policies.

2. What role did bystanders play in the Holocaust?

Answer: Bystanders played a significant role in the Holocaust by either actively participating in the persecution of Jews and other minorities or by choosing to ignore what was happening. Many people were aware of the atrocities being committed but chose not to speak out or take action, allowing the genocide to continue unchecked.

3. How have Holocaust survivors and their descendants been affected by the trauma of the Holocaust?

Answer: Holocaust survivors and their descendants have experienced lasting trauma from the genocide, including issues such as PTSD, survivor's guilt, and difficulty forming relationships. Many survivors also face ongoing challenges related to their experiences, including navigating issues of identity, memory, and remembrance.