Eric is baking a cake. the recipe calls 2 1/2 pounds of flour for every 1/4 cup of sugar. How many pounds of flour should Eric use for 1 cup of sugar?






To calculate, first convert 1 cup of sugar to 1/4 cup increments:
1 cup = 4 (1/4 cups)

Then use the ratio provided in the recipe:
2 1/2 pounds of flour for every 1/4 cup of sugar

So for 4 (1/4 cups) of sugar:
4 (1/4) * 2 1/2 = 10

Therefore, Eric should use 10 pounds of flour for 1 cup of sugar.

chen rode his skateboard 3 3/4 miles in 3/4 of an hour. what was his average speed in miles per hour?

To calculate Chen's average speed in miles per hour, we need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Chen rode 3 3/4 miles in 3/4 of an hour.

First, convert 3 3/4 miles to an improper fraction:
3 3/4 = 15/4 miles

Now, divide the distance by the time:
(15/4) miles ÷ (3/4) hours

To divide fractions, multiply by the reciprocal:
(15/4) * (4/3) = 60/12 = 5 miles per hour

Therefore, Chen's average speed was 5 miles per hour.

raphael went to the store and bought 2 1/2 pounds of chicken for $9.00. at this rate, how much would it cost for 1,2 and 3 pounds of chicken?

To find the cost of 1, 2, and 3 pounds of chicken using the rate given for 2 1/2 pounds for $9.00, we first need to find the rate per pound.

Let x be the cost for 1 pound of chicken. We can set up a proportion to find x:
2 1/2 pounds / $9.00 = 1 pound / x

Convert 2 1/2 pounds to an improper fraction:
2 1/2 pounds = 5/2 pounds

Now solve for x:
5/2 / $9 = 1 / x
x = $9 / (5/2) = $9 / 5 * 2 = $9 / 10 = $0.90

Therefore, the cost for 1 pound of chicken would be $0.90.

For 2 pounds of chicken:
2 * $0.90 = $1.80

For 3 pounds of chicken:
3 * $0.90 = $2.70

So, the cost for 1 pound of chicken would be $0.90, for 2 pounds it would be $1.80, and for 3 pounds it would be $2.70.

Each of the scenarios below represents a unit rate that is either greater than 2 or less than 2. Drag each scenario into the box under its correct classification according to the unit rate.(4 points)

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Unit Rate Less than 2 Unit Rate Greater than 2

Camden can run 1/2 mile in 1/8 of an hour. determine the miles per hour.
genesis can build 1/4 of a meter of fence in 1/5 of an hour. determine the meters per minute.
Ian can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a minute. determine the pages per minute.
Abigail can finish 1/3 of a water bottle in 1/8 of a school day. determine the water bottles per day.

Unit Rate Less than 2:

- genesis can build 1/4 of a meter of fence in 1/5 of an hour. determine the meters per minute.
- Abigail can finish 1/3 of a water bottle in 1/8 of a school day. determine the water bottles per day.

Unit Rate Greater than 2:
- Camden can run 1/2 mile in 1/8 of an hour. determine the miles per hour.
- Ian can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a minute. determine the pages per minute.

The third question is wrong the right answer is, 1 = 3.60 2 = 7.20 3 = 10.80

the fourth question is,
unit rate less than two, genesis and Ian
unit rate greater than two, camden and Abigail
I am not so sure about the last question because it doesn't say what goes in what place so I will just say it goes like that.

Thank you for pointing that out. Here is the corrected classification:

Unit Rate Less than 2:
- genesis can build 1/4 of a meter of fence in 1/5 of an hour. determine the meters per minute.
- Ian can type 1/3 of a page in 3/4 of a minute. determine the pages per minute.

Unit Rate Greater than 2:
- Camden can run 1/2 mile in 1/8 of an hour. determine the miles per hour.
- Abigail can finish 1/3 of a water bottle in 1/8 of a school day. determine the water bottles per day.

Thank you for providing the correct answers for the third question as well. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.