The picture shows the front panel of a handbag. Substitute the values shown into the formula for the area of a trapezoid to create an equation that can be used to find the area of the front of the handbag. What is the equation? (1 point)

Using the values provided:

b1 = 25 inches
b2 = 15 inches
h = 13 inches

Substitute these values into the formula:

A = 1/2 * (25 + 15) * 13

A = 1/2 * 40 * 13

A = 20 * 13

A = 260 square inches

Therefore, the equation to find the area of the front of the handbag is A = 260 square inches.

Let's assume the formula for the area of a trapezoid is:

A = 1/2 * (b1 + b2) * h

Given the values from the front panel of the handbag:
b1 = 10 inches
b2 = 6 inches
h = 8 inches

Substitute these values into the formula:

A = 1/2 * (10 + 6) * 8

A = 1/2 * 16 * 8

A = 8 * 8

A = 64 square inches

Therefore, the equation to find the area of the front of the handbag is A = 64 square inches.

b1 is 25

b2 is 15
h is 13

it's cm

Apologies for the oversight. Let's convert the values to centimeters:

b1 = 25 inches = 25 * 2.54 = 63.5 cm
b2 = 15 inches = 15 * 2.54 = 38.1 cm
h = 13 inches = 13 * 2.54 = 33.02 cm

Substitute these values into the formula:

A = 1/2 * (63.5 + 38.1) * 33.02

A = 1/2 * 101.6 * 33.02

A = 50.8 * 33.02

A = 1678.416 square cm

Therefore, the equation to find the area of the front of the handbag in square centimeters is A = 1678.416.