What is the area of the composite figure in square units 5,2,3,4

To find the area of a composite figure, we need to break it down into simpler shapes and then calculate the area of each shape separately.

In this case, the composite figure can be divided into a rectangle and a triangle.

Length = 5 units
Width = 2 units
Area of rectangle = Length * Width
Area of rectangle = 5 * 2
Area of rectangle = 10 square units

Base = 3 units
Height = 4 units
Area of triangle = 0.5 * Base * Height
Area of triangle = 0.5 * 3 * 4
Area of triangle = 6 square units

Total area of the composite figure = Area of rectangle + Area of triangle
Total area = 10 + 6
Total area = 16 square units

Therefore, the area of the composite figure is 16 square units.