In what became known as the "Great Migration," an estimated 1.6 million African-Americans left the rural south in search of economic opportunity and to escape discrimination. To which areas were they MOST drawn?

A They were most drawn to the Great Plains region because of the availability of inexpensive farmland.They were most drawn to the Great Plains region because of the availability of inexpensive farmland.
B They were most drawn to northwestern states like Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to find employment as migrant farm workers.They were most drawn to northwestern states like Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to find employment as migrant farm workers.
C They were most drawn to southwestern states like Arizona, New Mexico, and California because of educational opportunities.They were most drawn to southwestern states like Arizona, New Mexico, and California because of educational opportunities.
D They were most drawn to northern urban centers like New York, Detroit, and Chicago because of the availability of industrial jobs.

D They were most drawn to northern urban centers like New York, Detroit, and Chicago because of the availability of industrial jobs.