
People had more time for face-to-face contact with neighbors to exchange news.
People had more time for face-to-face contact with neighbors to exchange news.

The number of educational institutions declined.
The number of educational institutions declined.

People in big cities could not get their news directly from neighbors.
People in big cities could not get their news directly from neighbors.

The public interest in books and magazines dropped.
The public interest in books and magazines dropped.

More people turned to radio or television for news and entertainment.

More people turned to radio or television for news and entertainment.

The sense of community may have suffered as people spent less time interacting with neighbors.
The sense of community may have suffered as people spent less time interacting with neighbors.

There may have been a decrease in social connections and a rise in feelings of isolation.
There may have been a decrease in social connections and a rise in feelings of isolation.

People potentially became more dependent on mass media for information.
People potentially became more dependent on mass media for information.

Traditional social norms and values may have weakened due to decreased interaction within local communities.
Traditional social norms and values may have weakened due to decreased interaction within local communities.