What was Hitler’s plan for the Jewish people AND who aided Hitler in his mission?

Hitler's plan for the Jewish people was to exterminate them in what became known as the Holocaust. This plan, also known as the Final Solution, aimed to systematically murder six million Jews and eradicate the Jewish population in Europe.

Many individuals and groups aided Hitler in his mission to exterminate the Jews. This included members of the Nazi Party, such as Heinrich Himmler, who was in charge of the SS and the implementation of the concentration camps. Other key figures who played a role in aiding Hitler in his mission included Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels, and Reinhard Heydrich.

Additionally, many ordinary citizens in Nazi-occupied countries across Europe collaborated with the Nazis in carrying out the Holocaust. This collaboration included assisting in the identification and rounding up of Jews, as well as participating in the mass killings in places like Auschwitz, Treblinka, and other extermination camps.