What can readers infer from the following quote from act 5, scene 3? Romeo: O, be gone! / By heaven, I love thee better than myself; / For I come hither arm’d against myself: / Stay not, be gone;--live, and hereafter say, / A madman’s mercy bid thee run away.What can readers infer from the following quote from act 5, scene 3?Romeo: O, be gone! / By heaven, I love thee better than myself; / For I come hither arm’d against myself: / Stay not, be gone;--live, and hereafter say, / A madman’s mercy bid thee run away.

Readers can infer that Romeo is expressing his deep love for Juliet and is willing to sacrifice himself for her well-being. He is conflicted and torn between his love for Juliet and his desire for revenge, as he refers to himself as being "arm'd against himself." Despite his inner turmoil and the dangerous situation they are in, Romeo still wishes for Juliet to live and be safe. This quote shows the intense emotions and internal struggles that Romeo is experiencing in this moment.