What is the area of the trapezoid below? The left side is perpendicular to the bottom and top sides. The top side of the trapezoid is 7 centimeters. The right slanted side is 8 centimeters. A dashed segment connects the top right vertex to the bottom side at a right angle. The distance from the endpoint of the dashed segment to the bottom right vertex is 4 centimeters. (1 point) Responses 36 cm² 36 Image with alt text: Start Root 3 End Root cm² 44cm² 44 Image with alt text: Start Root 3 End Root cm² 65 cm² 65 cm² 88 cm²

To find the area of the trapezoid, we can divide it into two triangles and a rectangle.

The first triangle has base 7 cm and height 4 cm (from the dashed segment), so its area is 1/2 * 7 cm * 4 cm = 14 cm².

The second triangle has base 8 cm and height 4 cm (from the dashed segment), so its area is 1/2 * 8 cm * 4 cm = 16 cm².

The rectangle has length 7 cm and width 4 cm, so its area is 7 cm * 4 cm = 28 cm².

Adding the areas of the two triangles and the rectangle, we get 14 cm² + 16 cm² + 28 cm² = 58 cm².

Therefore, the area of the trapezoid is 58 cm².

answer form choices provided

Based on the answer choices provided, the closest option to 58 cm² is 65 cm².