In the story The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed, Nol bu has different values than Heung Bu; these values drive the brothers’ actions and lead to different outcomes. Write an essay analyzing how the two brothers' actions develop a theme in the story.


from the text shows that Nol bu values material wealth and status, while Heung Bu values kindness and compassion. This contrast in values is evident in the beginning of the story when their father dies and leaves them with only a swallow and a pumpkinseed. Nol bu immediately seeks to sell the swallow for money, believing that it will bring him riches. On the other hand, Heung Bu decides to release the swallow, believing that it is not right to profit off of a living creature.

This difference in values drives the brothers’ actions throughout the story. Nol bu’s desire for wealth and status leads him to make selfish and greedy decisions, such as tricking the villagers into buying the pumpkinseed and using the swallow to bring him treasures. Heung Bu, on the other hand, acts with kindness and compassion, helping those in need and treating others with respect.

As the story progresses, Nol bu’s actions ultimately lead to his downfall. His greed and dishonesty lead to his punishment when the swallow reveals his true nature to the villagers, causing them to turn against him. Heung Bu, on the other hand, is rewarded for his kindness and generosity. The swallow helps him find the hidden treasure and he is able to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Through the contrasting actions of the two brothers, the theme of the story is revealed: that kindness and compassion are more valuable than material wealth. Nol bu’s pursuit of riches only brings him misery and isolation, while Heung Bu’s selfless actions bring him true happiness and prosperity. In the end, it is Heung Bu’s values of kindness and compassion that prevail, demonstrating that true wealth lies in the goodness of one’s heart.