1. When a resident lacks independence, what does that cause?

2. Give your classmates some examples of things that could promote independence for residents.

3. What does it mean to you when a resident lacks independence, and how will that affect you, if at all?

1. When a resident lacks independence, it can lead to feelings of frustration, loss of self-esteem, and increased dependency on others for basic tasks.

2. Examples of things that could promote independence for residents include encouraging them to participate in their own care, providing assistive devices such as grab bars or walkers, offering opportunities for physical and cognitive stimulation, and supporting their decision-making autonomy.

3. When a resident lacks independence, it means that they may require more hands-on care and assistance with daily activities. As a CNA, this may impact your workload and the level of support you need to provide to the resident. It is important to approach each resident with empathy and respect their individual needs and abilities.