Find the area of the shaded region.

Captionless Image
231 mm
231 mm^2
69 mm^2
69 mm

To find the area of the shaded region, we need to subtract the area of the smaller circle from the area of the larger circle.

Area of larger circle = πr^2 = π(11^2) = 121π mm^2
Area of smaller circle = πr^2 = π(4^2) = 16π mm^2

Shaded area = Area of larger circle - Area of smaller circle
Shaded area = 121π - 16π = 105π mm^2 ≈ 329.867 mm^2

Therefore, the area of the shaded region is approximately 329.867 mm^2.

Pick form the answer i gave you

The answer from the options you provided is 231 mm^2.