Grade 6 learners activity about HIV and AIDS

One possible activity for Grade 6 learners about HIV and AIDS could be a role-playing activity where students take on different roles to understand how the virus spreads and affects individuals.

Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different role to play, such as a person living with HIV, a healthcare worker, a family member of someone with HIV, a teacher, or a friend. Each group should discuss and prepare for a role-play scenario that highlights the challenges and misconceptions surrounding HIV and AIDS.

After all groups have had time to prepare, have them perform their role-plays for the class. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in a discussion about each scenario, reinforcing key facts about HIV transmission, prevention, and stigma.

This activity will engage students in a creative and interactive way, helping them better understand the impact of HIV and AIDS on individuals and communities. It also promotes empathy and critical thinking about sensitive topics.